Digital Colour Doppler Ultrasound

Along with other forms of techniques, ALNOOR also provides the Color Doppler, an imaging technique that generate color coded mags of blood velocity in different tissues and vessels.

The technique is based on the physical law known as the Doppler Effect, which describes the relationship between the moving object and the ultrasonic waves that differ according to the direction of movement of those objects. Based on these parameters we can count the volumes and velocities of blood flow through the examined blood vessels and organs.

Color Doppler include:

  • Carotid Doppler

It is done to rule out carotid artery stenosis, a common cause of emboli leading to stroke.

  • Lower limb Doppler

It is done for assessment of acute and chronic Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

  • Renal Doppler

It is done for the assessment of renal artery stenosis in hypertensive patients.

  • Liver Doppler

It is done for diagnosis of portal vein thrombosis and assessment of portal hypertension

  • Assessment and follow-up of Transplanted organs
Digital Color Doppler Ultrasound